the material that makes up this site, including text, graphics,
textures, photos and design process are made by Lupércio
Mundim and can not be used, copied or reproduced without the
express written permission of the author.
II - Privacy
site does not collect or hold information from his visitors
and messages sent through our email or contact form will be
treated properly answered and then deleted, we only will file
some information such as sender email, if will be explicitly
requested by the sender and only until it complies with what
was requested.
- Badges
the badges and awards in this site are of exclusive creation
and distribution of organizations and companies that created
them and can not be copied or used without their prior authorization.
III - Software
the creating of this website I used the following softwares:
Windows 7 Home Premium;
- Macromedia Dreamweaver CS4;
- Xara Webstyle 4;
- Xara Xtreme Pro;
- A Smaller Image;
- Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9;
IV - Thanks
special thanks to my son and daughter-in-law, Ricardo and
Aude, for the wonderful company in all the trips that we did
together, without this support and encouragement this site
would not exist.