
Pirenópolis, distant 120 km from Goiânia and 140 km from Brasilia, is a small and charming colonial city in Goiás State, was one of the first municipalities in Goiás, was founded in 1731 by the Portuguese Manoel Rodrigues Tomás, named Minas de Nossa Senhora do Rosário Meia Pontee (Mines of Our Lady of Mines of the Rosary of Half Bridge). Its modern name, Pirenópolis (formerly Pyrenópolis) means City of the Pyrenees, its name comes from the Pyrenees Mountain, which surrounds the city and gives it the major part of its tourism resources, such as several waterfalls that attract many tourists to the region.

The city is endowed with many pleasant inns and a very comfortable hotel with swimming pool, sports courts and playground. The traffic is quiet almost the whole year, except in the carnival and the cavalhadas, typical festival that attracts many tourists every year. This event moves around the city and consists of a battle in which a group of riders representing the Christians and another representing the Moors. Although the battle always show the same result they are never equal or less interesting. An interesting part is the parade of the cavalhadas with several riders carrying multicolored masks in the shape of head of cattle.

Registered as architectural, urban, landscape and history by IPHAN - Institute for National Artistic and Historical Heritage in 1989, the city has a historical center with beautifully decorated churches and mansions of the eighteenth century, as the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary (1728-1732), the Church of Our Lady of Mount Caramel (1750-1754) and the Church of Our Lord of Bonfim (1750-1754), and buildings of significant architectural beauty as Pirenópolis Theatre-style hybrid between the colonial and neo-classic, 1899, the Cine Teatro Pyrenees, art-deco style of 1919 and the Town Council and Jail built in 1919 as identical replica of the original 1733. I was struck by the remarkably well-preserved historic center, with all the buildings in great condition.

Pirenópolis attracts many tourists with its natural resources and ecotourism and adventure programs such as the Wildlife Sanctuary Wave Fogom offering options tree climbing, rappelling, jumping and trails primate. The circuit offers Adventure and Ecotourism options zipline (flying the Pyrenees), rafting, diving and jumping Corumbá curcuit. If you are tired of city life and want to add lots of adventure and contemplation of nature in your life, Pirenópolis is your best option, search at Google to look the informations to buy the touristic packages for Pirenópolis.

Another strong point of the city in attracting tourists is the craft, there are dozens of shops in town that sell local crafts, including jewelry, semi precious stones, clay and wood sculptures and more. The city is reputed to have the best craftsmanship of the Midwest Region and the stores are always full proof of this. The cuisine is another strong Pirinopolis, there are dozens of bars, cafes and restaurants in town serving traditional pie from Goiás to the most exquisite dishes of the international menu.

Surrounded by hills and privileged geographical location, being at the foot of the Pyrenees Mountain, Pirenópolis stands for maintaining an unspoiled nature. City of Goiás is the most protected areas that have, are in all eight CUs, between Park (Parque Estadual da Serra of the Pyrenees), Natural Monument (Monument Stone City), Area of ​​Environmental Protection (APA of the Pyrenees) and 5 RPPNs - Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (Farm Arruda, Vargem Ecological Reserve, Treasury Vagafogo, Flower Shrine Shrine Water and Gabriel). The Cerrado is the dominant vegetation. As it has in its territory various altitudes, the peak of the Pyrenees is to 1385 m, it is possible to contemplate all the different phyto-physiognomies (vegetation) in the Cerrado.

Lupércio Mundim

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Photos of Pirenópolis (Click on images to enlarge it!)

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